Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Man fatally stabs 8 schoolchildren in China"

In Nanping City in Fujian province, about nine hundred miles from Beijing, a forty-one year old man attacked. The man "stabbed eight children to death and wounded five others." The kids were students as the Experimental School. The man attacked shortly after seven a.m. on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. The school has more than two thousand students and is "considered one of the best in the city of three million people." The man who committed the crime used to work at a community clinic, he was a doctor. There are mixed opinions and rumors on if he resigned from his job or if he was fired.

There is not a lot of information on this story, but it is still tragic. The poor poor families of these children, I feel for them so much and they will be in my prayers. It is really hard to hear about people killing other people, especially when there doesn't appear to be a reason or if there is a reason it is really petty and insignificant. It is 80 times worse to hear of people killing kids. I can only ask the typical questions, what did the kids ever do to him? Why did they stick out of all other people? Why did he feel the need to kill them? - What's wrong with him? I just don't understand the logic of some people on this planet. I really don't. How people get the feelings inside of them to kill other human beings- other human beings that they don't even know- other human beings who are one hundred percent innocent... I can't comprehend these questions, or the answers to them that people come up with. I really hope that they release more information on this incident. It will be really interesting to find out if the kids who were injured are ok, and how the man is punished (I'm not even sure if they caught him), how he explains his actions, etc. This world seems to need an attitude or action or some kind of adjustment. Let's keep the peace and happiness and goodness and let them run us.


  1. This is really a sad story! I agree with you Krista, I do not know why somebody thinks that is alright to kill others. If he did get fired from work, was this his reaction to that? Did he react illogically by hurting children because of not having a job? How does anybody think that this is a good option? Why do people kill others because they cannot handle their own stress? Loads of people have stress in their lives, it is a common thing. But when you kill people because of that, that is not right. I also do not understand the logic of people. How can you look at a stranger and blame them for doing absolutly nothing to you, and them being children. How are little kids supposed to help you? They can't. But other people can, and if somebody had the guts, or brains to ask for help, they will get it. If you ever have a time where your stress level is too high for you to handle, talk to somebody! Killing people won't make the stress go away, it will just make it worse. My thoughts go out to those families who lost their child (possibly children) and I hope that the guy does get caught, like you said, Krista,if he has not been caught already.

  2. This story is so awful. It is hard to believe that someone would be so selfish and kill others that have done nothing to him. I agree with you Krista, it is so much worse hearing about someone killing children. My heart goes out to the families of the children that had to suffer. I hope that this man is caught, and gets what he deserves. There is no excuse to kill a child, or anybody for that matter.
