Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"More than 175 dead from weekend storm in Central America"

Tropical Storm Agatha has hit El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras hard. In Guatemala alone, 152 are dead, 100 are missing and 87 are injured. Aside from this, 125,00 have been evacuated, and 74,000 are living in shelters. Along with the tropical storm, Guatemala is dealing with the Pacaya volcano (about 18 miles from Guatemala City) which erupted last Thursday and continued to spew ash through today. The storm's destruction has been widespread, with mudslides destroying homes and buildings, nine rivers at extremely high levels, and 13 collapsed bridges. In the northern part of Guatemala City, downpours from the storm have created a sinkhole which spans over an entire intersection (as the picture displays). A three-story building and a house fell into the hole. For now, classes have been canceled as the nation tries to regroup from this state of emergency. According to officials, the situation is improving, the tropical storm Agatha was demoted to a tropical depression and lost that status as well. It was the first storm of the hurricane season in the Pacific.

This is just crazy! I never really know how to react when I hear about storms such as this one, because I have never personally lived through something like this. Yes, I have seen the video footage and pictures of various storms on the news before, and I can maybe imagine what it might be like, but living through it is completely different than just seeing it on a TV. What really got me was not just the fact that they are dealing with a hurricane, but the sinkhole which the picture shows. I've never heard of or seen anything like it before, it's just bewildering! I can not imagine just walking down a street and there being a giant hole taking over the entire intersection... it's just weird. I guess I don't really understand how it happened, the article didn't really explain that part. My guess is that there must be a fairly large underground water supply right there and then with the downpours, I guess it just kind of washed out? I'm not sure, I'm unclear about that part. Then, on top of the tropical storm, they are dealing with the repercussions of a volcano as well... if I were living there, I would bet that I would be completely over my head. So many disasters all at the same time. Well, I'm glad to hear that the situation is getting better, my prayers go out to all of the people in those countries. And, I hope they release more information on this sinkhole, it would be interesting to understand and learn more about it.


  1. I agree Krista. It is so hard to imagine how these people are feeling and how they are dealing with this disaster. I see so many storms and disasters on TV and it is hard to watch as peoples homes are being destroyed. I cannot even imagine how my life would be if my home, my school, and my life had to be on hold because of this sort of disaster. They were hit hard with multiple issues. I just hope that everything can be fixed without too much heartache.

  2. Wow! I have never seen anything like that hole! It is huge! This is such a horrible disaster! I don't know how those people can get through it and move on with their lives when they have lost everything. Like Krista I can't even imaginge what they must have gone through and are still going through as they deal with the aftermath. I am very greatful that I have never had to go through something like this. I think that dealing with one issue is enough but these poor people have to deal with so many different things at once. I really hope that these people can get help so that they can recover from this incident.
