Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Haitian authorities record 72,000 deaths from earthquake"

More than 72,000 bodies have been recovered since the earthquake in Haiti (just in one city by the name of Port-au-Prince), according the Prime Minister. The death toll in this city ranges from 100,000 to 150,000 people. Even with these numbers, people are not giving up hope, they're still praying, one woman was pulled out of rubble alive after seven days. After being desperately low on supplies (food and water) some has finally arrived, now, just like everything else, is just the issue of distributing it. Along with supplies, soldiers and police officers have also arrived with happy and upset remarks. Medical attention continues to be one of the main issues, now with limited instruments, buildings/space, IV equipment, surgical supplies, sterilizers, no electricity and no running water, the challenges continue. With $220 million, soldiers, and supplies sent, adoptions being made and lots of prayers, the situation in Haiti is improving and progress is being made.

In my opinion, this article was amazing! It's wonderful to hear that the situation in Haiti is improving and things are starting to get better. Some food and water has been sent, also some soldiers are in Haiti right now and there are more on the way, it's heart lifting to know that help is being sent to those who need it. It is not all good news however, the article is titled "...72,000 deaths..." I had no idea that there were that many people who suffered from the earthquake, it's an unbelievable amount. It's also hard to know that even though there are supplies being sent to Haiti, the roads are so full of rubble that getting to the people who need it can result to be impossible. Along with supplies, many soldiers have been sent, which was a wonderful decision in my mind! From what I've heard and understood about the whole situation, it sounds like people there could use all of the help they can get, so for the soldiers to be sent there is terrific. I'm not quite sure why some people are not happy that soldiers were sent to help, I guess they think that supplies would be more beneficial than people, but I think that both would help out. The medical part of the challenges in Haiti are obviously at the top of the list. With not having enough of anything, not being able to use the actual hospital building, and in the buildings they are using, not having running water or electricity, the city of Port-au-Prince is really having a hard time. Hopefully with soldiers being there, they can help out and get electricity and running water back, also with help from around the world maybe they can get the medical equipment they need as well. People have made an amazing response to this earthquake by helping out all they can, in any possible way including adopting children, sending money and praying. As for me, I will continue sending my prayers and hope for the best for Haiti.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Krista. It's great to see that things are being done for Haiti and all the people suffering there. It's hard to imagine putting ourselves in a situation like that. Today at lunch I saw some of our classmates selling t-shirts to help with the Haiti cause and I thought that was a wonderful idea! If more students in our country or even around the world could do little things such as this, a huge improvement could be made. I'll continue to keep Haiti in my thoughts and enjoyed reading about your thoughts too.
