Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Winter storm hits mid-South hard"

This article describes how the huge storm affected many states in various ways. This storm hit the Southeast and sections of the Northeast, it coated almost everything with ice which resulted in many people losing power to their house and also in many places topped everything off with a nice dosing of snow. A city in North Carolina almost doubled it's record snowfall, and this was on top of one-quarter to one-half and inch of ice. Many cities advised people to avoid all unnecessary travel. Along with the ice and snow, wind was another pressing issue, it threatened to topple over trees and power lines. This storm reached many states including the Carolinas, Virginia, Oklahoma, Texas and Georgia. Dallas, Texas was at a cold twenty-six degrees! With the cancelations and dangers adding up, this storm was not something to think about lightly.

This storm also affected us here in Minnesota, to me it is crazy to think about how a storm can cover such a wide distance all at one time. This storm was a danger, with the freezing rain and ice, driving and even walking quickly became difficult and stressful. After the ice arrived, we had strong winds with snow falling, this made things even more dangerous causing blizzard like conditions. For me, not being an extremely experienced driver, this storm was an extreme stress for me and I did not find it enjoyable. When people hear about this storm and experience it, I hope that they think about global warming. I personally find the topic of global warming to be a touchy subject. I do believe that global warming is happening, but no where near to the extent that the media has made it sound. I know that we are harming the earth with cars and pollution and waste, and this is causing global warming. However, I believe that how the temperatures have over the past few years been above average can be blamed on the fact that it is just part of a cycle. I know that some people are only hearing about global warming through the news or only by certain peoples' opinions, without doing any research on it themselves. Through this, they may be getting false information or false impressions. But when I hear of Texas being only twenty-six degrees, I have to wonder what is going through the heads of people who extremely do believe in global warming, or how they would describe why this kind of cold weather is happening. It is just something that people should really thing about... something that people need to decide where they stand and in what they believe. I also hope that more specifically with this storm, that people have gotten through okay and are safe.

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